Swimming For Air

Sometimes Life Is Finding Time To Breath, Here Is Where You Can Find Some Of My Random Moments...

Monday, November 28, 2005


Hello Everyone,

Thanks for keeping in touch. As you can tell I've been away for away and I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and wishes.

Yes, SuDoku is very addicting but truthfully work has kept me extremely busy too. I've been spending a lot of my free time getting out and seeing what New England has to offer. Winter was coming and there's a chance that I could be moving soon so I had to get out there and see it all.

Hang in there, I do plan to start blogging more regularly.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Lost In SuDoku

*** Update from a Guest speaker ***

For those of you wondering... Where has Noel been? What has she been up too? Surely she can't still be exploring New England, working hard, meeting lot's of deadlines and entertaining guest... can she?

I can answer all of those questions with one word.


That's right, she's hooked. SuDoku has cast some magical spell over her and there's no telling when it will wear off. It's like her new best friend, it's always there for her, it's difficult, challenging, fun and rewarding all at the same time. She'll be back eventually, but until then I'll leave you with a this... a photo of her first Sudoku book. Notice how worn out this book looks. She just completed all 200 puzzles and then went out and bought another with 400 more tonight! Dude!

She does still check her email so leave your comments here, she'll get them.
