Swimming For Air

Sometimes Life Is Finding Time To Breath, Here Is Where You Can Find Some Of My Random Moments...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


For those faithful few that keep checking the site to see if there's anything new... looking to find some updates... or a simple picture... I have news.

Several months ago I made the mistake of bringing home a single Su Doku puzzle... she's on her 4th book. Yes I said book. As in three to four hundred page book, each page containing a puzzle more difficult than the next. Some how, after a long and stressful day at work... a glass of wine and a couple of puzzles seem to help her unwind. So needless to say the Blog gets almost no attention anymore. She does read through them from time to time, she just never posts on hers.

Oh yeah, remember the post she made back in December about moving to Southern California... well, we're moving. The native Floridian will soon be a Valley Girl ;)

So until next time... I'll leave you with a picture of a little tulip garden she planted last year. She's never planted anything before and only planted these because I told her that they required zero maintenance. She was thrilled to see them before we moved.


Sunday, January 29, 2006


My dog is now called Cujo, instead of Holly. To see why click here G's site.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I wanted to send out a BIG THANK YOU to my family, friends and IIF's. My birthday was great lot's of fun and of course GREAT presents. I milked my birthday into a a full weekend and I feel so rested, relaxed and ready to enjoy 25... again ;)

I thought that you guys would appreciate this cake G. made for me, it's sooooooooo delicious.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear No-L,
Happy Birthday to me!

I'm now turning 25 for the 6th time. Yes-gosh-I-know-I-look-GREAT-for-my-age!

Also NO jokes about the date falling on a Friday ;)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Darth Tater Rocks!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Well I didn't end up in Boston partying last night, due to the fact that it started snowing yesterday afternoon. Guess what, it hasn't stopped and according to the forecasters it won't stop til Wednesday, grrr!

So we didn't go out for the following reasons:
1. It was in the 20's last night, brrr!
2. We thought the fireworks would be cancelled, due to the snow. We were wrong, however we did see them on TV.
3. We were already concerned about drunk drivers on the roads, now add ice & snow... can you say SCARY!!!
4. After we saw all the people there, (again on TV) we were glad we wouldn't be fighting for parking, fighting the crowds and sitting in all the traffic.

Don't worry we still had fun, bringing in the new year. Well I hope all of you had a GREAT New Years celebration and are enjoying relaxing on the 1st day of the year.

Please comment and let me know how your New Years went.

Saturday, December 31, 2005


I hope everyone is having a great New Years Eve celebration!!! I will be enjoying downtown Boston, great dining and maybe fireworks... stupid weather permitting (ie. rain/SNOW forecasted eeek!)

Please be safe and have a GREAT time tonight!

Be back next year...

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