Swimming For Air

Sometimes Life Is Finding Time To Breath, Here Is Where You Can Find Some Of My Random Moments...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Spring In New England

During the spring it was like January in Florida, 40 degrees during the day and in the 30's at night. This lasted til the last week of May. Then all of a sudden June was here and the temperature shot up to 80's. It was as they say in New England "Wicked Hot". So I thought to myself I won't need a sweater/jacket til the fall, of course, I'm lovin every minute of it. Okay, so it's the middle of June now and I walk out of my house with capris, t-shirt and flip flops on, you know the summer garb. This strong cold wind comes along and pushes me back a step or two and it's freakin cold. I go back in to get a sweater and check the weather report, it's in the 50's again, rainy and dreary. As they say in New England "if you don't like the weather wait 20 minutes, it will change." They are not kidding around. The weather forecasters definitly haven't figured it out and I haven't either. Everyone always tells me the reason they don't like Florida is that there are no seasons, well I'm sorry, why would you want to go through 6 months of cold miserable gloom to get a couple of months of color changing. Then it's miserable all over again before you know it. If were lucky we will get a good couple of months of warmth and sunshine, cross your fingers for me.


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