Brown Noise
One night when my parents were up here we were watching this movie called "White Noise". While we were watching the movie we kept being rudely interrupted by this fowl smell in the air. You see my dog Holly seems to have a problem. She can clear a room, quicker than a fire alarm. She has this stinky pooti problem, but we can't help but love her anyways. How could you not love this face? It's soooo ugly but yet so adorable. Trust me she will fart silently and pick up her fat ass and leave the room. We will be like what happened to Holly? Then we get a whiff of the air that has so violently entered our nose and it's like OMG! So obviously now we know why Holly has left the room. She was nicknamed Brown Noise by my parents. Holly will never live down this nickname with her stinky ass.
That is our other little girl in the pic, she is a much better dog. She basically doesn't have the Brown Noise issue.
holly is a big stinky ass. but she's so funny about it. we love you anyway holly. love to nika too.:)
No-L I saw your comment on my blog and the pictures you saw of Cocoa Beach were taken from the walkway at Leon Street. That is where I always go when I go to the beach, because I grew up in Leon County (Tallahassee) so I picked that as my favorite beach spot. Good eye for knowing that was where the pictures were taken from. Nice blog too, by the way.
Allison, Thanks for the advice, she does eat mainly dry food, sometimes we mix can food in. As far as freaking out and laughing at the dog, I don't know if I can can control that ;-) Seriously, my dog is a clown and loves when we laugh at her, she might do it for the attention...I hope not. Thank you so much for the compliment on my site and my feet, I think your site is pretty cool to.
Holly appreciates the compliment, she would rather you think she is funny (I think?) OK I am weird I am speaking for my dog.
Anyways, what does HNT stand for?
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