Swimming For Air

Sometimes Life Is Finding Time To Breath, Here Is Where You Can Find Some Of My Random Moments...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Public Address

Dear Future Voters, Citizens and Staff,

I appreciate your support and well wishes. I will continue to update you on important issues as they arise. I would like to point out someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty and has been campaigning for me see here. I am not sure why no one else has decided to do this *cough. Anyways he has shown loyalty and dedication almost immediately and I will have to appoint him to my Chief of Staff. Because everyone will need to be kept in line and all of you know that the biggest brown noser get’s the position. Don’t worry Undr; I’m sure it pays well ;)

Also for all of the others that have signed on late, we will of course take your contributions. We can always use freebies and we never turn them down.

Thank you all very much,
Future President No-L

P.S. Grody would never let me wear acid wash and leopard skin, unless she was mad at me.


At 8/24/2005 7:07 AM, Blogger jimmmer said...

Screw it, let's have a party anyway!

At 8/24/2005 7:59 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Someone say party???

At 8/24/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

I say we have a beach party to kick of the elections! Why wait until she is elected?

At 8/24/2005 11:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is my kind of politics. No-L, you have my vote as the most glamorous, best dressed and most candid candidate ever.

Did you mention that brown-nosing will get me into your first cabinet?


At 8/24/2005 1:11 PM, Blogger anika said...

I'm in for the party!

At 8/24/2005 2:38 PM, Blogger mrs. awesome said...


i'm a little disturbed by the leopard and acid wash comment. please see me before the beach party. we can't be having any speedos.....and you know that's what you really wanted to wear.
no one wants to see the chief of staff in a banana hammock. no one.

At 8/24/2005 5:29 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I'll wear the leopard if someone else will wear acid washed. Sign me up for duty!

At 8/24/2005 9:08 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Whatever he gives you, I'll up it by 10%. The check is in the mail...

At 8/24/2005 9:46 PM, Blogger L said...

Wow a beach party at the white house! Hey Miss Prez N0-L can I sleep over in the Lincoln Bedroom?

At 8/26/2005 12:42 AM, Blogger No-L said...

All supporters: Of course if I am elected we will party everyday and everynight. The only work will be planning the PARTIES!

BTW, brown-nosing can get you far, very far ;)


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