Swimming For Air

Sometimes Life Is Finding Time To Breath, Here Is Where You Can Find Some Of My Random Moments...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Su Doku

Thanks to G... I'm completely and totally addicted to this new Japanese puzzle craze Su Doku. Follow the link for instructions on how to play and there is also the solution for all you cheaters out there.

Did I ever mention how much I love puzzles? Well now you guys will be lucky if I can pull myself away long enough to blog anymore... I just bought a book full of them.

Happy Su Doku!


At 9/12/2005 10:51 PM, Blogger mrs. awesome said...

i read an article about this, and never looked it up because i feared i would love too much! i love tetris and crosswords already, so i can't start another one. lalalalalalala not listening.

At 9/12/2005 11:07 PM, Blogger No-L said...

Grody, Sudoku, Sudoku, Sudoku, you will love them!!!

Undr, they also have easy ones. ;)

At 9/13/2005 1:41 PM, Blogger j. said...

USAToday has this puzzle in there along with the crossword. I love these puzzles. I am much more obsessed with crosswords but I like doing a different kind of puzzle and find these to be great to figure out.

At 9/13/2005 4:53 PM, Blogger Terri said...

I just took a break from my SuDoku playing & can barely see the screen... eyes are fuzzy, head is buzzing... does this thing have an antidote???

At 9/13/2005 5:09 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I so bad at these puzzles...it makes my brain hurt.

At 9/13/2005 7:07 PM, Blogger Jen said...

These just started appearing in the Florida Today paper a few weeks ago. I haven't tried one yet.

At 9/14/2005 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it as well, you are not alone, it is like the fastest growing game in the U.S.

At 9/14/2005 4:33 PM, Blogger anika said...

Hm. Too mathematical for me.

At 9/14/2005 7:48 PM, Blogger Blake said...

My girlfriend just got into this, but I'm not much of a puzzle guy.


At 9/14/2005 8:02 PM, Blogger Marie said...

Ooooh, looks good! i'll definitely check it out. Thanks! :)

At 9/14/2005 9:01 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Cool! I've always loved puzzles - thanks for the great link.

At 9/15/2005 12:31 AM, Blogger No-L said...

Curator, there not that tough, once you learn the rules. Unless of course you don't like rules?

Richard, that's funny there's already AA for this? I might need the number for that.

J2, I also like crosswords, but for some reason the numbers are so addicting.

Malia, if you look into it, let me know what you think.

Terri, I'm not sure about an antidote, if you find one let me know. I didn't know till the other day that you could do them on the computer, I think that is a bad idea for me. ;)

Glitter, that means it's working. ;)

Jen, wow, the Florida Today has it? It really has caught on. J/K

Tomas, how do you not have a TV??? Seriously, I hope all is well down there through the hurricane.

Lance, I'm surprised at how fast it is catching on and how many people are talking about it. Glad I'm not the only crazy addict.

Anika, just try it, it's fun. Ok now I'm like a Su Doku pusher.

Blake, is your girlfriend also an addict?

Marie, glad your back!

Fred, you can also find books of them at places like Barnes & Noble and Borders.


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